Exploring Career Fields: Banking and Finance

Banking and Finance
Banking and finance career paths all revolve around money. For the most part, working in banking and finance will require a bachelor’s degree in a related field. However, there are some opportunities to pursue on your way to a finance degree that can help you in the long run. Though these options are limited, knowing finance is beneficial in every industry. Starting your own business or exploring the field a bit before committing to a university degree can help you make the decision.
Finance is a broad category that encompasses a significant portion of the US economy. All areas of finance revolve around money, and the most commonly known sectors are banking, institutional investments, personal finance, and others like private equity, corporate and government funding, financial advising, accounting, and mutual funds. Everyone needs to have at least some basic knowledge of finance, or the importance of money in our society, and taking a few courses to understand personal finance is highly recommended.
However, like in many other careers, much of this industry relies building connections with the right people. With the right network, working hard can get you into a prestigious and stable company. Wall Street is not the only game in finance; finance is involved in every company in every industry and every company needs people to perform financial roles. In addition, the industry of Fintech, a relatively new category that deals with financial technology, is growing more prominent with emerging opportunities happening every day.
Read more on the Pathway industry page: https://www.indigopathway.com/database/finance/