
The WGU Nursing School prepares all future nurses for their careers at a lower cost than most universities. In a time where the healthcare industry demands more from employees than ever before, the nursing program at WGU addresses market needs with more opportunities for credentials, certifications, and more for their students. Explore what makes Western Governors University unique, find contact info, and get started on your nursing career.

Q What makes WGU different?

The WGU Nursing School and the greater Western Governors University is the first school where all bachelor’s and master’s degrees are competency-based, with online courses designed in partnership with leading employers.

Q How does tuition work at WGU?

The nursing program at WGU charges tuition at a flat rate every term. The more courses you complete each term, the more affordable your degree program becomes.

Q Are there scholarships available?

Yes! For scholarship information about the nursing program at WGU, or other programs, visit

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