You can start your application today! As always, there is no cost to apply to North Shore Community College.
For Fall 2020, most of NSCC’s courses will be virtual – including online, hybrid, and videoconference – to ensure our community’s safety and maintain social distancing. Targeted courses that need to occur face-to-face on campus will occur predominantly in lab based classes, using social distancing protocols.
Today’s good idea could be tomorrow’s business plan. NSCC’s Small Business Management Entrepreneurship Certificate offers the knowledge and skills needed to start a new business venture, contribute to a growing enterprise, identify new business opportunities, and/or successfully operate a small company. Students in this program will learn all the components of running an entrepreneurial venture or small business, including planning, organizing, leading and controlling all aspects of a small business organization.
Semesters estimated to complete degree. Complete faster with winter intersession and summer classes.
NSCC is top in MA for effectively serving adult learners.Washington Monthly Magazine
NSCC career degree graduates employed within three months.
If you have questions related to program admissions or applications, please contact or call 978-762-4188.
If you have program advising related questions, please contact or call 781-477-2215.
Prerequisites: Communication Proficiency
This is an introductory course intended to provide students with a solid foundation in the vital role played by entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in the economy of the 21st Century. It provides students from all disciplines with an avenue to explore a perspective of innovation and entrepreneurism within their areas of interest. Topics include the importance of business development for a healthy economy, basic economic ideas and their effect on new ventures and small business, entrepreneurial lifestyle, business environment analysis, opportunity identification and innovation, the entrepreneurial process, business ownership, sustainability, and social entrepreneurship.
Prerequisites: Communication Proficiency
Introduces the role of marketing in business and other organizations. Basic theory and terminology are examined with emphasis on the major components of marketing: product, price, promotion, and distribution.
Focuses on the nature and effects of verbal communication. Students will become familiar with the communication process, including some of the following: principles of organization, purpose, language structure, effective delivery, and audience analysis. Students individually will use these elements in informative and persuasive speaking in the traditional speaker-audience relationship. Fulfills open, liberal arts, and humanities electives.
Prerequisites: Communication Proficiency
Introduction to business law with emphasis on the formation of a contract, defenses to avoid contractual liability, discharge of contracts, remedies for breach of contract, introduction to the Uniform Commercial Code, sales, warranties, and consumer protection.
Prerequisites: Communication and Mathematics proficiencyA one-semester introductory accounting course. Students will use journals, ledgers, and worksheets to summarize transactions and prepare financial statements. Includes maintenance and record keeping for checking accounts, petty cash funds, and payroll.
Prerequisites: Communication and Mathematics Proficiency
This course provides an overview of a computerized accounting system for small business owners and entrepreneurs. Topics include: Handling company files, backing up and restoring company information, entering and paying vendor bills, invoicing and receiving payments, managing inventories, new company setup-express start, payroll setup, and banking and reconciling accounts.
Prerequisites: Communication and Mathematics Proficiency and BUS100 or MGT102 or ENT100
The course helps aspiring entrepreneurs learn what it takes to succeed on their own. The course shows how to investigate and evaluate business opportunities; how to establish the skill and knowledge needed to establish a new firm; how to market products and services; how to manage the human and fiscal demands of a business operation; and how to meet the organization’s social responsibility to the community.