
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Student Chapters is a program dedicated to enriching the educational experience of construction students by providing them with NAHB membership, access to educational programming, networking opportunities, and first-hand exposure to the building industry. Student Chapter members have access to travel scholarships to attend the International Builders’ Show (IBS), various student chapter awards, exclusive networking opportunities at IBS, and access to additional scholarships through the National Housing Endowment. Each student chapter is sponsored by a Home Builders Association (HBA). HBAs play an important role in the educational and career development of students in construction. Some HBAs financially support their student chapter’s activities and travel for the NAHB Student Competition that takes place at IBS. Some HBA’s offer a position on its board of directors for the chapter president or faculty advisor. Student chapter members often assist at major HBA activities. The annual NAHB Student Competition is one of the highlights of IBS. The competition gives students the opportunity to apply skills learned in the classroom to a real construction company by completing a management project/proposal. Proposals are submitted to a group of construction company executives who act as judges. At IBS, students defend their proposals to the judges in front of an audience.

Q Careers Represented by this Association

Construction management
