
Every student has a natural ability, and at Victor Wooten’s Center for Music and Nature, we blend in a unique mix of nature studies to help each student realize and reclaim their “naturalness,” not only in music, but also in life. Wooten Woods, the outdoor setting where all of Victor’s camp are held, provides the perfect learning environment away from the usual daily distractions and media. We believe that knowledge is best learned through experience. So, all of our classes are highly interactive. We encourage our students to participate and ask questions, as well as share any information that may help the class. As well as daily sessions and performances where all participants and staff come together, students will be placed into smaller groups that alternate between indoor and outdoor settings. Each group will rotate between specialized music and nature instructors ensuring a balanced dose of information and experience. Classes are designed to be illuminating and relaxing with plenty of breaks in-between.


VixCamps prides itself on the impressive staff and guests it provides at each program. We believe that diversity is a powerful ingredient in a student’s growth. For this reason, Victor makes sure that students are provided with a variety of different teachers offering a variety of content, methods, and views. Instructors and staff are hand-picked for each program based on subject matter and students who are attending. Our staff includes veteran musicians and educators, a college department chair, naturalists, a master gardener, and a legendary pioneer bassist who was one of the first to ever play the instrument. Many of our staff have been with us for twenty years. And we are connected to musicians, naturalists, educators, doctors, scientists, and more from around the world who are always happy to share their expertise with our students. These gracious guests love and support our mission and that is to each student’s benefit. Whatever your desire, our aim is to make sure your needs are met. Our goal is to always go well beyond your expectation. 

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